Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, September 11, 2009

Tzyy Anne: Birthday Celeb At TGI's!

It was Anne's birthday yesterday. We decided to go to TGI's Fridays in IOI Mall Puchong for the celebration.

Birthday Girl

We decided to order appetisers and entrées only as the portion is quite big. Daddy had dinner appointment earlier with his customers so he won't be eating much.

JD Burger, Chicken & Shrimp Diablo and Southwest Mac & Cheese

Therefore, if the family is unable to finish the meal, it will be Mummy's job to sapu everything. For your information, Anne was not the only birthday girl there. During our presence, there were 4 other birthday boys and girls also. Boy, pity those kitchen crews... Apparently, there was a boy named Brian who has the same birthday as Anne! Mummy wondered what time he was born...

The Cake Is So Big...

Checkout the kitchen crew in action...

"I am Chin Tzyy Anne!"

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