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Sunday, November 2, 2008

Mummy: Do You Feel The Blues?

A very sad thing happened to me yesterday. I feel that Anne is refusing my breast. She doesn't want to suckle anymore. My left breast is started to diminishing in supply. Sometimes I can only pump 1 oz per session. Each time this happens, Ah Ngien will take her away from me and give her formula. Everytime this happens, I always feel that I am a failure inside. Anne also seemed to spend more time with her other members of family than me. Sometimes I feel like a surrogate mother. I will start work the next day. It makes me miss Anne more because I can only spend time with Anne on weekends (as if...)

1 comment:

Sue said...

Don't feel like that... it's okay if the baby isn't breastfed. At least she's got 2 months of goodness from you already :D

If you really want to continue breastfeeding, I would suggest that you don't feed her so much formula. Try to reduce formula feed bit by bit whenever you're home and just feed direct. Sometimes babies can get nipple confusion because you're using both your own nipple and the bottle's teat, so whenever she's put at your breast, she might hesitate a little.

Also, pumping after every feed helps. Even pumping out 0.5 or 1 oz helps as the breasts will think that baby needs more than it's producing, hence it will work harder.